SquareMeal 2010


“The venue: Vasco & Piero’s Pavilion in Soho. It does great Italian food, has a great …”

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“It does great Italian food”

“The venue: Vasco & Piero’s Pavilion in Soho. It does great Italian food, has a great vibe and is buzzy but as private as you need.
The company: Mark Collier, who is the founding partner of Dare digital marketing.
The conversation: We share quite a lot of clients including Vodafone and Barclays so we chat about them. We also talk about digital and traditional agency convergence. Mark’s son also plays for my old rugby club.
On the menu: “I’m shockingly consistent. I have the calves’ liver, spinach and a tomato and onion salad every time I go. I’m running a half marathon in three weeks, so this was a water-based lunch.”
Come here often? I probably do one work lunch a week, not really more, and only about four boozy lunches a year. ”
Squaremeal 2010

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